More than Meets the Eye

As humans, we are a FUSION of our body and environment. Much like the distinct wavelengths of red and blue light that blend seamlessly to create the hue of purple, our human existence is intricately intertwined with the elements around us, forming an inseparable WHOLE.

The air we breathe and our electromagnetic fields (aka our energy) that interact with all that surrounds us, are prime examples of how our environment is intimately connected with our well-being. This interconnectedness creates a new, integrated system that is greater than the sum of its parts and is the basis of our well-being!

Ancient cultures recognized the importance of integrating human life with nature, but modern society has often lost touch with this balance. However, by combining traditional wisdom with contemporary innovations, we can create spaces that nurture our well-being once again!

We can create spaces that heal, nurture, and inspire! The integration of traditional wisdom and modern innovation, may allow us to restore the balance between our bodies, minds, and the environments we inhabit, ultimately cultivating a more vibrant and fulfilling existence. Here are some practices:

Feng shui, an ancient Chinese practice, focuses on harmonizing individuals with their environment through mindful arrangement of living and working spaces. Bio-geometry and Bau-biology emphasize the creation of healthy buildings that minimize exposure to harmful environmental factors, such as electromagnetic radiation and toxic materials. These practices prioritize the use of natural materials, adequate ventilation, and the incorporation of natural light to establish nurturing spaces.

Permaculture and property/home sustainability practices offer valuable techniques to create integrative environments. Permaculture principles focus on designing self-sustaining ecosystems that work in harmony with nature, such as food forests and green roofs. Sustainable technologies like solar power and rainwater harvesting can reduce our environmental impact while promoting a more resilient and self-sufficient lifestyle.

Explore the International Practices Utilized:

  1. The Energetic Diagnostics of Your Property:

  1. Feng Shui of the Black Sect Tantric Buddhism (BSTB)

  2. Dowsing for geopathic stress, water, let lines etc

  3. Hartmann Grid & Ley Lines: pinpointing overactive nodes or incongruity with human presence

  4. Geomancy: energy patterns of land and structures

  5. Energy Mapping: Integrating human life with land and structures

2. Environmental or Physical Diagnostics

  1. Topographical Survey

  2. Environmental Assessment: incl. water lines, seismic evaluation, air quality.

  3. Land Use Analysis: Implementing Eco system Principles, Historical Assessment, Sustainable Ecosystem Analysis, includes permaculture report if desired.

  4. Bau-Biology: Building for Well-Being and Eco-Compatibility: Materials, EM radiation, water, light quality, acoustics, thermal comfort.

Let’s create a Setting That Demonstrates Your Passion for health, Excellence and Sustainability!

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RESTORING BALANCE all about an upward energizing motion, a natural advancement similar to growth in springtime; which is supported by adaptability, flexibility and an absence of obstacles.   A session helps you and your space Energize, Heal, Flow so all energies are balanced and can perpetually regenerate. Restoration of the inner enthusiasm and eternal power of life. ~ In reference to I Ching 31

Having my notes of our session is very helpful. There is just so much information Martine gives us. “Mind blowing”. My husband loves to go over them several times. It’s amazing the things that didn’t stick when we had the session, but when we re-read it, the world opens up again...bonanza!
— B. Sweet, Bay Area, CA
A big thanks for the wonderful consultation you provided for mom. She is delighted and we both agree that you are a gem.
— L.K., Saskatchewan, Canada